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New "Protein Enzyme" That Targets Abdominal Fat

While most people think that diet and exercise is the key to healthy weight loss…

A team of doctors and scientists at Salk University in San Diego may provide another answer.

And it starts with a new protein enzyme that targets abdominal fat.

I refer to it as your “metabolism switch”…

But the scientific name for it is AMP-activated protein kinase…

Or AMPk for short.

It’s the genetic master switch that controls your metabolism…

And when it’s activated…

It can speed up your metabolism so your body burns more fat for fuel…

Especially from your belly area.

Now, here’s exactly how it works…

AMPk is an enzyme found in every single one of your cells.

Specifically, AMPk Helps Convert Sugar and Fat Into Energy, While Decreasing Hunger

So not only does it help you burn more abdominal fat…

Your hunger goes down as well.

And how active it is determines your body fat composition.

During their research, scientists found that boosting AMPk resulted in an unexpected benefit…

The reduction of abdominal fat.

And it makes perfect sense.

As We Get Older, Your Cells Produce Less AMPk and Weight Gain Goes Up

That’s why it’s so common for women and men to weigh more as they get older.

Your cells are producing less AMPk (if any at all)…

As a result, your metabolism slows down…

And fat production increases.

However, in a human clinical trial published in the journal Obesity…

Researchers activated AMPk using two natural compounds…

And as a result…

Abdominal fat went down by 11%…

Along with a significant reduction in body weight, body fat mass, total abdominal fat and body mass index (BMI).

Which shows just how powerful AMPk is when it’s activated in your body.

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*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

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